Vastly experienced team of legal professionals
When you think of vision damage, a loss of eyesight usually comes to mind first. While this is an extreme problem that may make you eligible for specific loss settlements in Philadelphia and Allentown, other less severe conditions can still trigger a need for expensive medical care. Problems like computer vision syndrome, detached retinas, scratched corneas, infections, eye strain, and even a broken facial bone can cause considerable discomfort. Issues that may seem simple at first may develop into more serious problems down the line.
As eyes are quite delicate and unprotected organs, it is relatively easy to damage them in a variety of ways. While wearing protective goggles and safety glasses can help avoid or reduce most eye injuries and potential problems, in certain professions things can easily take the wrong turn during day-to-day assignments. If you’ve taken the brunt of an unfortunate workplace accident or were harmed by someone else’s negligence, don’t waste a second and contact our respected and feared compensation lawyers in Allentown and Philadelphia.
Lean on our expertise to significantly improve your prospects
Many people complain of eye strain after staring at the screen for a long period. While this may not seem as serious as vision damage or physical eye injury, computer vision syndrome still causes considerable discomfort and a loss of faculties that can affect your ability to work, stay productive, and enjoy your life. The most common symptoms include:
- Headaches
- Neck, shoulder, and back pain
- Severe sensitivity to light
- Eye dryness or redness
- Burning and itching sensation
- Vision problems like blurriness or lack of focus
A huge number of workers today spend a lot of time staring at a computer screen in all sorts of industries in Philadelphia and Allentown. While there are ways to restrict exposure and mitigate the consequences, in some cases it’s very hard to limit the time spent looking at the screen. Some of the job titles more susceptible to computer vision syndrome include:
- Administrative assistant
- Certified public accountants
- Bankers
- Air traffic controllers
- Architects
- Writers
- Graphic designers
- Digital artists
- Engineers
- Computer programmers
Award-winning vision damage attorneys are just a call away
Workplace eye injury that results in full or partial blindness can have a severe effect on your quality of life, ability to stay functional and independent, and the possibility of finding employment in the future. Most people rely heavily on their eyesight in their everyday working lives so the path toward full rehabilitation may become long and difficult. Our caring and assertive vision damage and eye injury lawyers in Philadelphia and Allentown will arrange for prompt medical attention and help you determine the full scope of your predicament.