Browse a selection of articles written by our knowledgeable team

Settling a Work Comp Claim: Dangers Nobody Warns You About

Considering how life-altering workplace injuries can be, both physically and financially, securing fair compensation through a workers’ compensation claim can be a critical step toward financial stability. However, while settling a work comp claim can provide you with the support you need to recover and move forward with your life, this process is not without …

2 Unknown Factors for Successful Work Comp Claim

It is a well-known fact that workers’ compensation cases can become extremely complex, either from the very beginning or at some point during the process, primarily because of a massive number of factors that must be taken into consideration. While having complete medical documentation and adept legal guidance from a reputable work injury attorney in …

Long-Term Disability & SSDI: A Comprehensive Analysis

Many working Americans have long-term disability coverage through their employers. What they don’t realize is how the deck is stacked against purchasers of employer-supplied disability insurance. Imagine you were injured in an automobile accident and filed suit against the man who drove his car into the back of yours because he was busy texting his …

What If Multiple Parties are Involved in the Car Crash

Sometimes in a car crash, there can be multiple parties liable for its cause. This means that if the victim gets injured he/she can recover compensation from all the parties responsible for the car crash. When and How Multi-Vehicle Car Crashes Happen? Several points of impact may include multi-vehicle car wrecks which result in severe …

What Injuries are not covered by Worker’s Compensation Insurance?

As a rule of thumb, any injury sustained during an activity that benefits your employer renders you eligible for worker’s compensation insurance. However, if an injury can easily be healed with the contents of a first aid box, it means it is not severe enough to file a compensation claim; a minor bruise, cut, and …

Different Types of Worker’s Compensation Fraud

Accidents can happen anywhere, including your workplace. Sometimes, the nature of work or the working environment can deteriorate one’s health. When an employee files a lawsuit against the employer, the company’s reputation is put at risk. The Worker’s Compensation Insurance is a program designed to take care of work related injuries and illnesses among employees. …

What is the Difference between Disability Benefits and Workers Compensation?

When an employee gets injured enough and is rendered unable to do the jobs he is assigned, he may be entitled to different types of financial support. These include: Workers’ compensation Disability benefits Social Security Disability Insurance Employees are entitled to different kinds of benefits depending upon their circumstances. The key difference between workers’ compensation …